Monday, August 3, 2009


Industria Masoquista starts things off with a wall of noise that is calked up with various sound takes, hollowing distorted voice and audio snippets. This track is much denser than I would have originally thought, but then converts into paused, short blasts while chopping through for a few minutes or so and resumes to its pervious onslaught of weighty noise. This reminds me of something in vane of Masonna. I haven't received or heard much of Industria Masoquista, but after hearing this, I am looking forward to more of Javier's work. The Armenia side is extremely crunchy and crackles like a truck load of popcorn mistakenly delivered to the citizens of hell. Powerful with a capital "P" and I believe a bit more varied than prior work to date. It's complete with laser like shots though the cosmos and seemingly as if a roller coaster could have theme music... this my friends would be it. [Joe Lombardo]

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